2024 CBCP Annual Report

Impacts of the Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships program were highlighted in its annual report to both Diocesan Conventions this fall. 

Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships Annual Report to 2024 Diocesan Conventions of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana and the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis

CBCP Partners

Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas Sparks, Bishop, Partners for Sacred Places - Indiana Landmarks - Lilly Endowment Inc.

In the first phase of the Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships program (CBCP), Episcopal churches in Indiana gained understanding about the impact and value of their properties and ministries.  Their capacity to make the most of their physical assets grew through CBCP training and experiences in 2020-2023. 73 congregations in both Indiana Episcopal dioceses participated in CBCP Phase 1.

CBCP was created in response to Lilly Endowment, Inc’s Thriving Congregations initiative which aims “to help congregations strengthen their ministries and thrive so they can better help people deepen their relationships with God, enhance their connections with each other and contribute to the flourishing of their communities and the world.” 

We rejoice in the strengthening and thriving we have witnessed as our congregations creatively explore new partnerships or deepen existing ones. Several churches have reported that the CBCP experience opened their eyes about possibilities that can happen just by inviting neighbors, existing partners and community leaders over for a visit:  

  • “Getting us to initiate or re-kindle relationships with community leaders was beneficial, helped us realize that that is possible. CBCP changed our attitude in terms of looking more broadly at scope.” – Rev. Tom Adamson, Holy Family, Angola 

  • “One idea that will stay with us is having neighbors over from time to time to keep community connections. It was so great to hear how the community responded with enthusiasm to being invited in and asked for their thoughts.” - Rev. Jason Haddox, Trinity Lawrenceburg

Five very small faith communities also experienced a bit of CBCP when they were visited by Partners for Sacred Places representatives. Leadership at St. Mark’s in Howe took the ideas discussed to heart:

  • Weeks after the site visit:  “…we had a community wide cookout at St. Mark’s.  We invited neighbors to come for free food and fellowship.  We had about 13 people come to share with us, so we thought this was successful.  We also had two stain glass windows installed in the front of the building, so we do look a bit more ‘churchy’ now.” - Sharon Parker, Clerk, St. Mark’s, Howe

Trinity Logansport Priest-in-Charge Rev. Clark Miller came to the CBCP project wondering how much more collaborative partnering Trinity could possibly do. However, when community stakeholders were invited to tour Trinity and learn about its spaces and ministries, more did happen. Trinity developed strong relationships with the director of a local homeless shelter and a local funeral director. Two programs resulted! Trinity has opened its parish house on a weekly basis to homeless neighbors for healthcare and counseling services of all kinds Secondly, Trinity has established an arrangement with the funeral director to provide space and meals for anyone in need of a funeral luncheon who cannot afford a gathering at home or in a restaurant.

Some very compelling stories come from faith communities that received capital grants to support property improvements related to collaborative partnerships.  Here are some examples:

Church of the Nativity, Indianapolis - The CBCP grant for the new exterior door in the Nature Room with electronic lock, keypad and sidewalk access to the parking lot has allowed the parish to offer all our spaces independently from each other.  A group of parishioners (Space Use Team) works on creative ways to market spaces and another group (Mission Sustainability Collaborative) works on increasing income within the church and by networking with community groups about utilizing our spaces.  

Nativity has entered into an agreement with Mujeres Conectadas to rent church spaces as their Indianapolis location for educational workshops, meetings and events, connecting Spanish speaking women with resources and tools for personal development. “Additionally, Nativity’s pet food and veterinarian ministry, The Stable, has gained better use of the church building restrooms and water supply during Stable hours due to the new door, walk and electronic access.  We have had multiple small groups and one day retreats that have utilized all rooms as either break out space or various speakers simultaneously.  Our youth have been using the space for their meetings and Sunday School.”

Episcopal Church of All Saints, Indianapolis - CBCP grant funds are helping fund the installation of a handicapped accessible restroom within the historic main Church building, where no restroom ever existed. “As a result of the CBCP participation and prior to that visioning by All Saints leadership, the parish desires to more fully utilize its worship space for cultural and artistic events open to the surrounding community.”

St. Stephen’s, New Harmony - St. Stephen’s initiated two capital improvements with help of a CBCP grant. The first was restoration of the wooden archway in the interior of the church, which was stripped, sanded and stained, bringing back its original glory. Secondly, the exterior of the parish house was washed, caulked and painted. “Keeping our facility well maintained helps our goal to attract interest in the use of the church as well as the parish house.” Partnerships have formed, resulting in wedding, community, arts, and commercial rentals and uses.

St. Francis, Chesterton – CBCP grant funds were used to remodel restrooms to be accessible and family friendly. “During the few months we have had the restrooms completed, pride in membership of St. Francis church has soared. The cringe factor is gone! People attending Bible Study no longer worry about restroom access due to disabilities. Our AA group is also very pleased with the result. We have hosted two events so far and have others planned.”

Trinity, Fort Wayne – CBCP grant funds supported the renovation of an apartment in the church into temporary living quarters for an unhoused family, in collaboration with a local non-profit organization, Just Neighbors Interfaith Homeless Network.  “Trinity’s goal was to assist Just Neighbors by providing a safe, clean, living environment to allow adult family members more time to establish employment, childcare, and/or transportation. Through our partnership with Just Neighbors, we have established a mutually beneficial lease agreement.  The agency  will continue to provide case management to the family residing at Trinity along with other resources and services to help them along their journey to independence.”

St. Barnabas in the Dunes, Gary – CBCP grant funding helped pay for the replacement of cracked and buckled sidewalks to both building entrances. “Our building is now being used for events, meetings and classes virtually every day of the week. We now have two AA meetings on Mondays; exercise classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Shakespeare play rehearsals at various times during the evenings and a Madrigal singing group practicing once a month in our sanctuary. Additional activities include Gospel Study on Thursday mornings and plans for a small boutique located in the largely unused office space are shaping up. Truly, St. Barnabas in the Dunes is blossoming into a community focused entity. Give the Lord the Glory!!”

CBCP Phase 1 capital grants inspired additional financial support of each congregation’s vision for its project(s).  

Total grant money awarded:   $217,555.70.  

Total matching funds required:   $56,812.92

Actual funding by congregations:   $182,585.78 (so far – not all projects are complete)

Total investment in church property:   $319,680.46 (so far)

CBCP Phase 2 is underway

Our learning will continue over the next three years, thanks to a second grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. This is a matching grant opportunity.  Both Dioceses are working now to secure the required match to continue CBCP Phase 2 for three years.  The main components of this phase are:

  1. Learning opportunities for all Indiana Episcopal congregations - as evidenced by the CBCP workshops provided at both Diocesan conventions this fall!  Other in-person or online workshops are being discussed (your input is welcome!) 

  2. CBCP resources online.  A new website is under construction to provide you with easy access to information about space sharing (insurances, how to structure lease agreements, etc.), topical info from Phase 1 training sessions, and stories about success and challenges. 

  3. Building Capacity Squared (BC2), offering customized capacity building support for selected congregations. So far, 17 congregations have been accepted to participate in what we’re calling Building Capacity Squared (list below).  Additional applications may be considered in the future.  

Examples of types of BC2 projects:

  • One-on-one coaching by Partners for Sacred Places and Indiana Landmarks consultants.

  • Consulting facilitation for Mission and Vision, even to include a “property mission statement to align space uses and partnerships with the ministries and values of the church.  

  • Help with discernment (potentially including a connection to legal services) around specific partnerships, especially major or long-term commitments.

  • Matching grants for capital improvements that would significantly modify space to better align a church’s buildings with its mission. Congregations will be required to match these grants dollar for dollar. Capital campaign fundraising guidance may also be requested.

We give thanks to all who serve as faithful stewards of God’ gifts of sacred spaces.  May your stewardship multiply the ways that your buildings and grounds brighten the Light of Christ!

For more information about Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships, contact Linda Buskirk, CBCP Project Director.  Info@cbcpindiana.org  


Capital Grant Opportunities


A Scouting Collaboration at Holy Family Episcopal Church, Fishers