Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships

Welcome to the Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships (CBCP) website!

CBCP is a collaboration of the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis, Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana, Partners for Sacred Places, and Indiana Landmarks. CBCP is made possible by a grant from the Thriving Congregations Initiative of Lilly Endowment Inc.

Episcopal churches in Indiana, small and large, are developing new ways to thrive, rooted in the good they have to offer:  Good faith, good mission, and good space. Their capacity to make the most of these assets grew over 2020-2023 through CBCP.  Nearly all congregations in both Indiana Episcopal dioceses participated.

The learning will continue over 2024-2026 thanks to a second grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. (required matching dollars are now being raised).  “CBCP2” will provide opportunities for all congregations to learn from each other and will establish on-line resources about the lessons of CBCP to help any congregation, anytime, renew efforts to make the most of its buildings as assets and develop new and stronger community partnerships. CBCP2 will also feature customized capacity building support for 20-25 selected congregationsAny Episcopal faith community in Indiana may apply to participate. 

Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships reminds us that our buildings are gifts from God and as such, deserve our stewardship.  We are stewards, accountable for using God’s gifts in ways that multiply their impact and brighten the Light of Christ in the places we serve. 

CBCP Overview explanation

Church Buildings for Collaborative Partnerships (CBCP) helps faith communities see what they offer their neighbors through a lens of strength and opportunity, seeing themselves the same way God sees us: gifted and strong.

The lessons of CBCP help congregations increase vitality and service to their mission and ministry by making the most of their buildings and other assets. Congregational leaders consider their mission, values, and assets for ministry, then analyze their space and how it is used. They consider ways to strengthen the welcome and function of their space.  

CBCP helps churches introduce themselves and their buildings to “outsiders” – others in their communities who take one look at underutilized church space and say, “Wow – this is just what we need to serve others!”  That often leads to exploration and creation of collaborative partnerships that energize and strengthen ministry. 

Grow their creative confidence

Each creative activity prompt is an opportunity for your child to embrace a new challenge. Through hands-on learning, your child is more likely to remain engaged and to build upon their creative problem-solving skills.

Activities you can work on together

While our programs encourage your little ones to become better independent learners, we’ve also included special opportunities for you to work together.

Keep their growing minds engaged